My Story     View over fence When we first purchased our home, the picture below shows what my side fence looked like. After about 8 years it looked like this. We had asked our neighbor nicely over the years to please keep the vegetation trimmed down to about 1 foot over the fence. We received little …


We need PRO/CON comments on this new clause. The Voice has learned that an indemnification clause was added to the ARC form when ARC requests go to the HOA. We are suspicious of why and how this happened, especially since it affects all homeowners in the Beacon Hill community. It was just done without member …


This site was created for you. Your name and address will remain anonymous unless you tell us otherwise.All submissions will be reviewed and posted where applicable. All submissions will only be used for this website. What is posted may be edited (no names) and is at the discretion of the voice. Please email your story …


THE BLUFFS The Voice is aware of a long ongoing issue involving the eucalyptus trees along Niguel Road obstructing views from homes in the Bluffs. The Voice is asking for firsthand information to post here. Please share and maybe with a larger audience we can get results. Remember “Horton Hears a Who”! By Dr Seuss. …